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Дата добавления: 12.07.2019, 16:26
TrackLean is a german SaaS for signing contracts and agreements online, quickly and securely. Use free text, a PDF or an email to create your contract within seconds, then let other people sign them on their smartphone. Therefore, TrackLean is not only the optimal solution for simple contracts but also for other types of approvals such as vacation requests or the approval of invoices. The signing parties receive a short text on their smartphone and sign on the touchscreen, no app required. By using a two factor authentication (email and 'short messaging service') a high level of security is achieved. The signed contracts will be stored for 10 years at least in order to meet legal requirements. Using the integrated archive feature for agreements, all parties involved can retrieve and access all the documents within seconds. As software 'Made in Germany' TrackLean uses german server systems only and provides a very high level of transparency and security. By saving countless processes of printing and scanning TrackLean illustrates a huge step towards a paper-free office. By providing an effortless solution for signing on mobile devices without any prior app installation, signatures are obtained quicker than ever before. The setup of TrackLean only takes two minutes. You can test it for free without any engagement.

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