Fluchtplan Creator
Дата добавления: 28.02.2018, 23:19 |
Fluchtplan Creator is a program allowing users to create escape and evacuation plans according to the German standard DIN ISO 23601 2010. The software includes ready drawing tools, safety signs (ISO 7010), escape routes and ready text information (in German) as well as other templates and examples for quick and efficient work.
Using Fluchtplan Creator you can create escape and evacuation plans corresponding to the up-to-date German standard DIN ISO 23601. The safety signs are implemented according to ISO 7010. Moreover, you can use signs from the former standard DIN 4844-3 too if required.
This software has a multifunctional editor that includes not only special tools (wall, door, stairs etc.) but also different CAD tools (snap, viewport, blocks etc.). There are templates with drawing borders, layers etc. Moreover, you can not only draw plans yourself, but also import existing DWG or DXF drawings in the program.
Fluchtplan Creator allows automatically creating overview plans and escape routes. The program includes a variety of safety signs: graphical symbols, escape directions, arrows etc. There are ready text blocks with rules for people in the event of emergency and fire (Regeln fuer das Verhalten im Brandfall und bei Unfaelen). This allows users to quickly design the escape and emergency plan.
When the escape and evacuation plan is ready, you can save and print it. Fluchtplan Creator supports saving plans into vector formats (DWG, DXF, SVG, PLT etc.) and into raster file formats (BMP, GIF, TIFF, JPEG). This software has a convenient printing system that allows users to print even large drawings with the help of a small printer (tiled printing).
Fluchtplan Creator is a standalone software that doesnt require installation of any other CAD applications. The program is delivered with a detailed manual and examples. This makes the work on escape and evacuation plans easy and efficient. A ready solution at an attractive price!
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